Asking For Ally Disturbed --> Les Messagers Sacres &

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Asking For Ally Disturbed --> Les Messagers Sacres &

Messagepar vandaican » Sam 14 Juil 2007, 22:33

Hi, I'm Vanbommel ..
Listen, I'm Vanbommel from Disturbed's guild, we are an italian guild that played Deira (Alb) , then Camlan (Elite: Vanbommel= Ayler(cleric), Freedomcall= Lyrisa(animist) , Daican=Celyca(sorc), Axty (eld) ) .. the other chars in guild are italian that played Deira..
We have started to play ys since febbruary 2007 because on camlan there were only a few people and i knew any french on this server .
We would want to be in your ally because it's difficult for us to play always alone :thumb: .. i hope you will accept us :D
Sorry for my bad English .. i hope that u have understood .
See you Soon, if u want to tell me any things u find me in game making /who Disturbed and asking for Vanbommel 8) [/scroll][/b]

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar vandaican » Sam 14 Juil 2007, 23:02

we've chosen your ally Because I'm friend of luriikiki and i ve known Tyldumia , Ppp ... Daican is a friend of Graminius.. and i hope also to find others friends and good players in this server 8) ... Thanks to luriikiki to help me to make this post ^^ and to buff me every time that i ask him :p

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar Feant » Sam 14 Juil 2007, 23:18

Happy to read you Vandaican :)

I'm sure, you'll have to reply to a toons of questions :p

personnaly, i don't speak english very well like most Frenchies :mrgreen:

Enfin voilà, ce sont 2 personnes trés agréables et sympatique, et même si il existe une mini barrière de langue, on arrive tout de même à se comprendre grace à nos ptit années d'anglais à l'école :D Je ne pense donc pas que la langue soit donc une barrière infranchissable et qu'il nous faille donc nous intéresser plus aux personnes qu'à leur origine :) ( même si elle est imparable :p )

N'hésitez pas à leur poser des questions, et si vous avez du mal avec l'anglais, vous pouvez toujours nous demander de vous traduire une question ou autre, même avec mon anglais approximatif, je sais qu'ils pourront me comprendre :)

( ils ont suivis des cours d'anglais comme nous, et ils ont une langue maternelle latine comme nous :p Il y a donc souvent des maladraisse anglaise qui seraient incompréhensible par des anglais, mais qui reste très compréhensible pour nous, latin ;) )


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Inscrit le : Mar 26 Déc 2006, 1:55

Messagepar kiraweo » Dim 15 Juil 2007, 1:04

Tieni degli italiani, buongiorno a voi. Giusto una cosa buona fortuna per la vostra candidatura. :)

The same in english. 8)

Oh you're italians, hi. Just a thing, good luck for your application.

We're very difficult for to recruit :twisted: <takes the voice of the tyrant Toto> Mouahahahah several tests waits for you. 8)

The same in japanese.

Tsugi mo ganabtte kudasai 8)

Et la derder en français of course.

bonne chance pour votre candidature :wink:

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Inscrit le : Sam 17 Avr 2004, 11:10

Messagepar lumia » Dim 15 Juil 2007, 16:04

Welcome here Vanbommel ( this name sounds like a cyclist runner no ? )

Bienvenu a toi Vanbommel ( ça sonne comme le nom d'un cycliste non ? )

few questions :

1) how many people plays for < Disturbed > ?
1) Combien de joueurs y a t il dans < Disturbed > ?

2) Do you like Lurikeens ?
2) aimez vous les lurikeens ?
Lumia, Lumiak, Lumya, Lumiaq, Lumiarc et Martho.
Tyldumia, Tyldumiak, Naadien
Epopée - Ys

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Message(s) : 262
Inscrit le : Dim 08 Mai 2005, 22:57

Messagepar vandaican » Dim 15 Juil 2007, 17:23

Hey We are a few people but good 8) .. our main chars are : Daican (eld 9LX)- Freedomcall (Bard 7LX)- VanBommel (empathé 5LX atm..)- Axty (eld 7LX)/axtanax (axty's druid 4LX) - Revel (cahmp 4LX) - and 3 italian friends from Deira that has started to play on ys 2 days ago.
We have started to play Ys on february 2007... we hope we will get alot of rp .. :wink:
I love lurikeens very much tyldumia ^^
bye See u soon :thumb:

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar Tower » Dim 15 Juil 2007, 20:22

Hello Vandaican and welcome on our forum

That's true, the fact to don't speak french is a difficulty. We are used to speak french on our as channel.
After, we don't know you really so we can meet us in order to do the best choice (accept you in alliance or not)

I think Luriikiki have explain you how is our alliance. It's like a family, we are friends playing from a long time ago. We like to realize ours objectives but the most important is the "ambiance"

That's why we won't accept you for ranks but we can accept you for others qualities.

We are speaking, in private, about your invitation

See you soon
Espoir et Honneur

AoC : Tower, Cimmérien, Conquérant aussi
Daoc : Tower, chefounet

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Inscrit le : Lun 06 Oct 2003, 22:00

Messagepar vandaican » Dim 15 Juil 2007, 21:17

Doesn't matter if u don't speak English in ally .. We want to enter in your ally just to feel not alone :cry: .
We hope to know other players not only to go in RvR but also to be Friends.. .( i ve never played in RvR with Luriikiki but we are friends )
We can help each other ... :)
Thanks tower for the reply i hope we will play togheter as allied guilds :)

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar Fingolfin » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 12:07

Hello Vanda,

Post linked on Darkmoon's forum so that everybody can be aware of your candidacy.

Post transmis sur le forum Darkmoon pour que tout le monde soit au courant de votre candidature

I think that the best way to know each other and also the best way to test the viability of a chat channel with both french and english is to lead common events ... Hum ... Gonna think about this ...

Je pense que la meilleur façon de se connaitre et la meilleur façon de tester la viabilité d'un cc en frnaçais/anglais serait de faire des sorties communes


Corbeau ardent
Corbeau ardent
Message(s) : 196
Inscrit le : Ven 19 Jan 2007, 11:31

Messagepar Taelsin » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 13:32

hi and welcome on the forum! I have already to play with the disturbed and I do not have of it a bad memory, sympatic, pleasant, good experiment of the play in rvr..

good luck! :wink:

Message(s) : 333
Inscrit le : Ven 07 Nov 2003, 20:11

For Fingolfin

Messagepar vandaican » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 15:43

I don't know the link of darkmoon's Forum ^^ i try to tell Graminius if he knows it :D

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar lumia » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 17:23

hé oui ! c'est quoi ce travail ! il n'y a même pas de lien vers le forum darkmoon depuis la page d'acceuil des MS...
Lumia, Lumiak, Lumya, Lumiaq, Lumiarc et Martho.
Tyldumia, Tyldumiak, Naadien
Epopée - Ys

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Main d'argent
Message(s) : 262
Inscrit le : Dim 08 Mai 2005, 22:57

Messagepar vandaican » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 17:46

Hey i'm trying to make the registration for Darkmoon's forum. Now i ve to wait the email of convalidation. Then i'll tell u also in Darkmoon's forum What i ve just said in Messagers-sacres's forum. 8)
See u soon in RvR

Message(s) : 14
Inscrit le : Ven 13 Juil 2007, 22:35

Messagepar phoeonix » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 19:34

Hi ! I have play yesterday with the disturbed for xp in discord . They have a good experiment , sympathic too . But my English is so bad , and i have some problem for dialogue with us :(

While putting his a little at it, it will occur well .

See u later

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Message(s) : 47
Inscrit le : Dim 19 Juin 2005, 19:06

Messagepar Feanyth » Lun 16 Juil 2007, 20:39

HEllo and welcome on our forums. It is quite nice to see that non-frnech guilds are also applying and finding us worth of an alliance ;) As for your candidacy, of course the best way will be common events and talks, followed by talks between our alliance guild masters, etc etc... it is not a short procedure, I suggest patience and understanding, as we will have patience and understanding for your candidacy ;)

Also, be aware that it is summer break in France and the surrounding countries, and many guild officers and guildmasters are on vacation, this may lengthen your candidacy and the diplomatic talk period by several weeks.

Good luck, feel free to give the forum address to all your guildmates so that they can introduce themselves and feel free to give as many details, information, anecdotes and anything useful on your guild so that we can get to know each other better.

And have a nice summer, too ;)

(pour les non anglophones: coucou, bienvenue, bon courage, donnez plein d'infos, bisous, et soyez patients car c'est l'été et ya pas mal d'absents) :mrgreen:

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Cavalier d'émeraude
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Inscrit le : Mar 21 Mars 2006, 3:00
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